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Osmosis and corrosion diagnostics

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Our control and diagnostic services allow to measure the degree of osmosis on grp boats, identify corrosion on metal hulls and check the effectiveness of your corrosion protection.

By diagnosing the cause of problems and proposing solutions, we make sure to detect issues before they become too serious and expensive to repair. We can also avoid trial and error repairs, such as continuous replacement of seacocks due to failure in the cathodic protection or incorrect osmosis treatments, so you will know what is wrong with your boat and how to cure it.

Diagnostics are pivotal practices for maintaining marine safety and reliabilty and ensuring you have a sound vessel with no hidden problems.

Osmosis checks

Osmosis is one of the biggest fears of boat owners. This process degenerates the GRP structure due to water penetrating the laminate and reacting with the resin.

Visual inspection and moisture measurements allow to detect signs of osmosis and determine the degree for repair. Calibrated instruments are essential tools to give reliable and consistent results. 


Ultrasound measurements

Steel and aluminium boats are prone to corrosion of the plating, and it is important to identify the areas to be repaired.

Ultrasound technology allows the measurement of the plating thickness and can identify hidden corroded areas.

Professional instruments that neglect the thickness of the coatings (echo-to-echo measurements) give the best results allowing measurements at different locations through paint and primers without the need to reach the bear metal.


Evaluate cathodic protection

Aluminium and other metals are very sensitive to corrosion by galvanic action. Electrical leaks or contact with non-compatible metals can initiate an invisible corrosion process, to the point that the metal can be punctured, losing resistance and watertightness.

Cathodic protection tests verify that the hull and other metal components such as thru-hulls, shafts, propellers and rudders are adequately protected.

Using the most precise instruments, the degree of protection can be measured and recommendations can be drawn regarding the size of the cathodic protection system.


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